With hundreds of children gracing our community, BES aims to provide activities for all, of a religious, educational, social and cultural nature.


Safeguarding Information

The United Synagogue is ever more conscious of the threat to children and vulnerable adults from people who would seek to do them harm – whether by physical, emotional or sexual abuse or by neglect. Within every United Synagogue community therefore there is a volunteer Community Safeguarding Coordinator (CSC). This is someone within the community who is the primary point of contact at a local level for members of the shul if they have any concerns concerning child protection or the protection of vulnerable adults.

  • Croxdale’s Community Safeguarding Coordinator is Katie Matlin
  • Yavneh’s Community Safeguarding Coordinator is Helene Silverstone

They are the grassroots point of contact for our community and will pass on any concerns to and receive advice from the United Synagogue Head Office Safeguarding Team.

If you have a concern and would prefer to speak to someone within the United Synagogue Head Office Safeguarding team, you can reach them on 020 3758 8440. You can use this number for any safeguarding concerns either current or historic. If ever you believe someone to be at serious imminent risk, you MUST call 999.

We kindly request that all primary age children, including those preparing for Year 7 entry, are accompanied by a parent or responsible adult when attending either Croxdale or Yavneh on Shabbat morning. Whilst on site, children should remain with the adult or participate in a suitable activity, such as a children’s service. We ask that children are not left unsupervised or allowed to roam the site unattended at any time. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

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